3 tips to avoid over-training injuries in children:
- Limit sporting activity to <5 days per week.
- 2 to 3 months off per year from their particular sport.
- Children should NOT super specialise in one sport and should have time to participate in a combination of sporting activities, if you need more information about it visit infantcore.com.
Important to remember the following points:
- Injuries are more common during peak growth phases
- Girls grow most rapidly at 12 years
- Boys grow most rapidly at 14 years
- Some children are early or late developers and therefore their growth spurts will differ
- During periods of peak growth, reduce loads and be CAREFUL!
- During growth spurts children will tire & struggle with usual volume and intensity
- Growth virtually ceases at an age of 15 years in girls and 17 years in boys
- Underlying biomechanical problems may also increase the chance of injury
Signs and symptoms of overtraining:
- difficulty with successfully completing usual routines
- frequent illnesses
It is important to remember that our children are not little adults
If you have a concern about your child’s training program or if they have an injury please contact one of our physiotherapists on 9922-2212.