A Cervicogenic headache is a syndrome characterized by a chronic headache that is referred to the head from either bonystructures or soft tissues of the neck. Commonly, the pain is referred from the first three cervical vertebrae (C1-C3) and their surrounding structures (muscles, nerves, bones and joints).
Most of the patients we treat complain of single sided headache usually due to an injury . Neck pain and cervical muscle tenderness are also common and prominentcomplaints. Their pain may extend from the neck to the base of the skull and around to the front of their head. Often their symptoms are provoked by neck movements and sustained postures. Usually they will describe their pain as dull or moderate in intensity and worse in the mornings.
If you think you are experiencing cervicogenic headaches, it is important you are assessed by a physiotherapist to differentiate if your headache is of a cervicogenic nature. If so it is easily treatable through physiotherapy, and if you have any injury which need therapy this could be useful for this.
Please review the following PHYSIO4ALL video link https://www.physio4all.com.au/exercise-neck-pain-headaches/ on neck exercises which may help with your headaches and or neck pain.