At PHYSIO4ALL, we see many clients with neck and shoulder pain. For each client, we assess the injury, as well as give individualised treatment and exercises.
Neck pain can be caused by a number of different structures, including your joints, muscles, tendons and discs. Usually poor posture plays a large role in causing neck pain. There can be a large association between neck and shoulder pain, where the neck refers pain into the shoulder and vice versa. Once again, the classic rounded shoulder and poked chin posture may overload your neck and shoulders and give you either neck pain, shoulder pain or both neck and shoulder pain.
Neck pain, through joint irritation, may also cause neck-related headaches (cervicogenic headaches), which are often misdiagnosed. The pressure of our head, which can weigh up to 5kg, on the small neck joints can quickly and easily overload and irritate the joints in our neck, which can give you local or referred neck pain.
Shoulder pain may be caused by an irritated or pinched nerve in the neck, which then refers pain into the shoulder and/or the arm. This can be very painful, and needs an early and quick diagnosis and intervention. Usually the shoulder pain will present as a continuous ache or burning-type sensation.
Poor posture and the rounded shoulders syndrome may overload your shoulders, which then causes an irritation and inflammation of the shock absorbers in your shoulder (bursa), which then can give you a limited range of shoulder movement, as well as shoulder pain. This can also give you neck pain.
For more information on neck and shoulder pain, check out the following information articles below:
Neck injuries include:
Cervicogenic Headaches
Cervical Radiculopathy
Acute Disc
Posture Injuries
Shoulder injuries include:
Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy
Adhesive Capsulitis
Shoulder Bursitis