Medical imaging is the technique and process used to create images of the human body for clinical purposes, medical procedures or medical science. Science and technology are changing and improving regularly. Below is a guideline to give you an idea on the amount of radiation you will be exposed to with each procedure, but for more information speak to your Doctor. Each individual’s sensitivity to ionising radiation will be different depending on their age, sex and other factors.
*As part of everyday living, everyone is exposed to a small amount of background radiation.
- broken bones
- cancers
- blood clots
- heart disease
- internal bleeding
Use of X-ray include examining:
- broken bones
- problems in the lungs and abdomen
- organs and structures inside your body
- torn soft tissue
- tumors
- brain and spinal cord
Use of Ultrasound include examining:
- heart, kidneys, liver and other organs
- soft tissue
- pregnancy
Use of Bone Scan include examining:
- bone tumor or cancer
- particular types of fractures
- bone infection or cause of bone pain
- metabolic disorders
If you would like any advice regarding any of the previous information, or if you have any injuries please call one of our physiotherapists on 9922-2212.