Why is Posture Important?
- Keeps bones and joints in the correct alignment so that muscles are being used properly
- Reduces strain through ligaments, joints and muscles and hence prevents pain
Top 10 Posture Tips to Keep Your Body Happy
Correct Workstation Ergonomics are essential, and your workstation should be set up by a trained professional to allow correct alignment. Click here to see the Workstation Setup Checklist.
- Support your spine all the time when sitting, and maintain the S-shaped curvature of the spine by sitting all the way back in a good chair that is well set up for you.
- Correct alignment allows for the ear, shoulder and hips to fall directly in line with each other as demonstrated in by picture.
- Try not to slouch in a C-Shaped position, whether you are sitting at your workstation or watching television or using any electronic device.
Posture yourself correctly when using mobile phones, and avoid tilting your head to one side.
- When using music or game players (eg iPods, iTouch’s) or any other technology, make sure you posture yourself correctly. Do your best to make sure your head is not hyperflexed or looking down for prolonged periods.
- When standing or walking, it is important to stand tall and upright with your shoulders slightly extended.
- Do not compromise your spine, your joints and muscles by sitting for prolonged periods in sustained positions.
- Make sure you take regular breaks every 30-40min, whether watching TV or computing.
- It is a really good idea to do posture pause exercises, which will help decompress your spine as well as move your joints and muscles. For some great Decompression Exercises, click here.
For more information, check out our Posture Information Article.
Speak to our physiotherapists today on advice on how to improve your posture, or about any concerns. Give us a call on 9922 2212!