At PHYSIO4ALL we treat many patients who present with lower back and lower limb injuries due to weakness and instability of their hip and pelvic muscles.
There are many muscles that attach to the pelvis and hip which play an important role in stabilising this area. The abductor group are especially important and include the gluteal muscles and tensor fascia lata. Often these muscles are weak and not functioning properly, predisposing people to low back and low limb injuries. Injuries resulting from poor pelvis and hip stability are especially common amongst runners and people who do weight bearing impact type exercise.
Weak or fatigued muscles cannot adequately support the hip or pelvis, placing added stress on the low back and lower limb, thus increasing the chance of injury. Common injuries we see at PHYSIO4ALL resulting from pelvic-hip instability include:-
- Patella tendinopathy
- Patella femoral pain syndrome(knee cap)
- Trochanteric bursitis
- Hip capsule impingement syndrome
- Low back pain
- Sacro-iliac joint dysfunction
For an exercise to strengthen hip stability, click on the following link:
For a more advanced exercise for hip stability, click on the following link: