Do you suffer from Joint Pain?
Many people have found relief in the form of fish oil and glucosamine.
- But it doesn’t work for everyone. Why? you ask.
- Recent research has now found that the delivery of glucosamine in the GUT can play an important role.
- Diet, long term use of anti-inflammatories, stomach bugs e.t.c. can inflame the GUT lining and decrease the number of good bacteria
- Taking glucosamine together with a probiotic has been shown to improve the effectiveness of glucosamine on joint pain
Who is this important for?
Those who suffer from:
- Chronic joint pain (especially knees and hips)
- Osteoarthritis
- Flat feet
How much do you need to take?
We recommend taking Bioceuticals Ultra Biotic Joint Relief
- Each tablet contains
– 500mg of Glucosamine Sulfate
– Lactobacillus acidophilus 2.5 billion CFU
– Bifidobacterium bifidium 10 billion CFU - Taking 3/day will give you the maximum benefit
For more information, please read the attached information packet: Glucosamine and Probiotics
Call us on 9922 2212 to speak to one of our physiotherapists if you have any further questions.