Ergonomics is “the study of people’s efficiency in their working environment.” Many of us know the pain of sitting at a desk for hours upon hours, or overuse injuries that cause changes to our posture resulting in headaches, neck and back pain, and muscle deterioration. We see many people come to our North Sydney clinic… [Read More]
Physiotherapy North Sydney: Sitting and Your Spine
Incidence: Back pain affects approximately 80% of people, whether it is acute or chronic pain. Back pain is particularly common in sitting occupations where we are constantly loading the spine. At PHYSIO4ALL we have concerns that an ever increasing amount of office workers are getting back/neck pain due to poor workplace ergonomics and sitting for… [Read More]
Physiotherapy North Sydney: Recharge your Team with Corporate Massage!
Need a Cost-effective Morale Booster? Corporate Massage is the perfect answer 1. What are the benefits of Corporate Massage? Great stress reliever for employees Improves work productivity Reduces time off work Great motivator for employees Keeps workforce happy and healthy Helps identify any potential back or neck problems 2. How it works We come to… [Read More]
72. Posture Pause and Decompression Exercises for the Workplace
Posture Pause and Decompression Exercises for the Workplace
35. Poor Sitting Ergonomics
Poor Sitting Ergonomics